Archive for October, 2012

Jenny: «Quand on veut, on peut»

MUSIQUE • Elle s’était fait connaître dans «Starmania» sous le nom de Jenny Trace. Aujourd’hui, sous le seul nom de Jenny, elle sort «C’était écrit…» 

Jenny, ex-Jenny Trace. (Photo: Marina Forney)

Vous avez peut-être découvert ce petit bout de femme de 24 ans dans la comédie musicale «Starmania» dans le rôle de la serveuse automate. Ou en train de casser la baraque de sa voix puissante sur la scène de Marly-Folies ou du Jazz Parade en tant que Jenny Trace. Ce temps-là est révolu, car Jennifer Bongard, de son vrai nom, est désormais Jenny.

 «C’est allé très vite»

Comment vit-elle ce changement? «Je me sens bien, confie-t-elle. Le «Jenny Trace» était assigné à un label. Maintenant que j’ai tout quitté, je peux faire ma propre musique en auteur-compositeur. C’est génial!» Pour entreprendre cette nouvelle étape, elle est entourée par un groupe solide – ses «Jennyistes» – formé de Pedro Carnier, Claude Bussard, Fabien Ayer, Marion Guéry et Massimo Bonomo. «Des professionnels et des passionnés», souligne-t-elle.

L’amour et la mort

Le résultat est un CD de huit titres aux sonorités pop qui décrivent «à peu près toutes les étapes de l’amour et de la mort». Du vécu? «Je me suis inspirée de mes expériences, mais je n’aime pas prendre que ce qu’il m’est arrivé pour composer. J’aimerais bien que les gens puissent entrer dans ma musique.» La majorité des chansons sont en français, sauf «Possibilities», dont l’auteur n’est autre que son guitariste Pedro Carnier.

«C’est quand même difficile de sortir un disque en autoproduction.» Soutenue par la ville de Fribourg, la chanteuse a également reçu des dons. Au final, il s’agit d’un pari: «Quand on sort un album, on n’a aucune idée de ce que ça va donner. Nous, on est déjà très contents d’avoir fait la musique que l’on voulait. Après, si on pouvait la diffuser ce serait génial… On ne demande pas de gagner le disque d’or! On voudrait juste faire découvrir cette musique. C’est ça le plus difficile ici.»

«Je n’abandonne jamais»

La jeune femme garde la tête sur les épaules et sait que percer en Suisse est laborieux. Mais elle compte sur sa passion et sa motivation. «Je n’abandonne jamais. S’il y a une porte qui se ferme, je suis toujours sûre qu’il y en a une autre qui va s’ouvrir.» Jenny reste persuadée que «quand on veut, on peut». Elle le prouve aujourd’hui avec C’était écrit, disponible sur iTunes depuis le 3 octobre.

> Plus d’infos:

Texte: Flora Berset / Photo: Marina Forney

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In Aline’s Eyes: Burlesque Summer Party in Lido

Article already published in French in my blog

The Lido, to close its rich and varied show season has decided to return to its first love, burlesque, unknown style in this part of the country. Accompanied with Aline, a 25 years-old trend forecasting student and a deep passionate of the genre, we have passed a unique evening. What a thrilled program: dark humour, pin-up singers and gorgeous strippers.

From 9 pm to 1 am, burlesque artists have come and go under Aline’s attentive and curious eyes: “I have discovered this particular trend through my passion for fashion. Indeed, I have seen Dita Von Teese’s pictures in a magazine. The well-known dancer was wearing memorable red crystals ballerinas and was striping. This burlesque reinterpretation of the 30s has directly pleased me”. So, she was really excited on this 29th June to enter the Lido’s world, travelling in the past in the city centre of Lausanne.

At start, we have got quickly in the heart of the matter with Lauren Spielvogel, a dark-humoured burlesque comedian. Alone on his orange and gold couch, this chic and bald man has enchained sketches on numerous atypical characters, from a sissy to a macho lesbian, then a depressive Jewish grandmother to end up with a racist taxi driver. Aline has smiled, laughed, reacted, she was clearly loving his cynical sense of humour. She was applauding and told me:” I have liked, his style is perfect for a Burlesque party because everything is allowed and nothing is taboo.” Politically correct does not match with burlesque genre which is more provocative and trenchant.

When three beautiful creatures wearing flamboyant red lipstick and perfect wavy chignons had appeared on stage, they looked like real pin-ups. Pretty, funny and playful, El Trio Chickiboom have sang 30s and 40s classics a capela. Aline explained to me that they have been inspired by the famous swing and boogie-woogie group called Andrews sisters. Interacting lightly with the audience, their performance was intoxicating! “I have never seen a live concert like this one, it is unbelievably alive.” Cherry on the cake was Miss Anne Thropy and Lada Redstar’s entrance. The two luscious strippers shared their show with Charly Voodoo the crazy comic: “I profoundly admire these ladies and their boldness. I have also adored interludes made by this foolish misanthropic and hilarious man.” Suggestive music, professional stripe-tease, burlesque is an art: “Costumes are tailor-made with a focus on details. More than that, the dancers are original but they have kept some burlesque traditions such as sexy patches for the final.” Good news, the Lido Comedy Club ( plans to organize more burlesque parties in 2012! Look at the dates!

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A European Fall with Rotaract

What do The Netherlands, Ukraine and Denmark have in common ? Well, those are the three countries I’ve been traveling to those last weeks for Rotaract. Lots of hours on the plane and kilometers on the train for three original experiences !

• From August 31st to September 2nd : ShelterBox Challenge, Amsterdam 

17 teams of 4 people, each of them carrying an empty ShelterBox (see what’s inside a full one) from one checkpoint to the other, accross the streets of Amsterdam : that’s what the « ShelterBox Challenge 2012 » (@SBchallenge2012), organized by the Dutch clubs, was about. The aim ? Raise awareness for « ShelterBox ».

According to the description on the official website, “ShelterBox is an international disaster relief charity that delivers emergency shelter, warmth and dignity to people made homeless by disasters worldwide”. Watch the video below to learn more about it, and check out ShelterBox on Social MediaFacebook – Twitter – YouTube – Flickr

The other goal : get more points than the other teams during the challenges we had to take part in at each checkpoint ! And the first step was quite a big one : put up the ShelterBox tent as fast as possible. And we had to do it well, because spending the night in the tent was a mandatory step of the Challenge. In total, 12 checkpoints with as many challenges to achieve, and this was the program of the first day only ! Scheduled on Sunday : fun games for which agility, speed and strength were the needed skills.

And what were our efforts worth ? Well, Rotaract Clubs of Limmattal (in a team with RAC Aalsmeer-Mijdrecht-Uithoorn from The Netherlands) and Neuchâtel (in a team with RAC Brussel Coudenberg from Belgium) ended up at the 4th and 9th ranks. And the winning team was made of two representatives of ShelterBox Switzerland, Jérôme Danner and Renato Forster, and two Italian Rotaractors. “ShelterBox Challenge Amsterdam”, see you in 2013 ! And you, curious reader, check out the video of the 2011 edition below !

What did the participants think of the different challenges ? “In terms of raising your personal awareness about the content of a box, packing the ShelterBox was perfect” said Jérôme. For Vivianne, shooting a promotion movie about ShelterBox was fun and useful : “we had to think of what is essential about ShelterBox, because the movie could last no more than 15 seconds. Plus, it was easy to share the film afterwards on social media and create awareness about ShelterBox”. And Laura’s favorite challenge was making fire, “because it tested our teamwork already in an early stage in the challenge. I saw how hard it is to work together in a stressfull situation. Together with the other challenges, it made me realise that being in a SRT [ShelterBox Response Team = volunteers working on the field] is a increadably hard job !”

> More photos of this event on Picasa

• From September 20th to 23rd : Rotaract Europe Meeting, Kyiv 

The Autumn Rotaract Europe Meeting (REM) took place in Kyiv, Ukraine, this year. Hundreds of Rotaractors traveled from all over Europe to go discover one of the host cities of the UEFA Euro 2012. Soccer was actually the theme of the weekend : a party where everyone was wearing the sweater of their favorite team, an auction sale of a ball signed by Andriy Schevchenko during the gala night, and above all, a soccer tournament we took part in on Friday afternoon. The aim was to raise some funds to transform the wheelchairs of disabled children, in order to allow them to play soccer as well. The benefits of the auction sale were also given to this cause.

Social projects like this soccer tournament are becoming more and more popular during European meetings. In Belgrade in 2011, we planted Christmas trees, a “car wash party” was organized during the Convention in Dortmund the same year, … And what for the future ? Rotaractors don’t lack ideas ! Especially Johanna : “everybody could get some flowers (maybe sponsored by some local flower shops), put a card on it to raise awareness for Polio, AIDS or Organ donation for example. We did this in Germany last year quite often, but with letting ballons fly with cards hanging on them. A flashmob could also be possible.” For Michael, “any sport works as a fundraiser. Basketball, Rounders/Softball/Baseball, Volleyball, Frisbee, … The project doesn’t have to be just local. For instance WheelPower in the UK are a huge charity which deals with disabled people in sport and is closely related to the founding of the Paralympic movement.”

Soccer Tournament at REM Kyiv – Photo Sven de Ronden ©

Saturday was dedicated to the meeting of Rotaract Europe (E.R.I.C., European Rotaract Information Centre) and Country Representatives. Each of us presented the projects going on in our countries. What I like the most about this moment is that we all inspire each other, and at the end of the weekend, we all go back home with new ideas of social actions. Then, Filip Mrkvicka, Country Representative for Czech Republic and Slovakia, presented the “Rotaract Alzheimer’s Awareness Project“, a European-level project with a wide range of action : from creating awareness to fundraising, any action related to the Alzheimer’s disease, which is still too much unknown, according to Filip. Check out the Rotaract Europe Facebook page to be updated about their activities !

E.R.I.C. Meeting & Workshops during REM Kyiv
Photos Cloé Bernier & Rimma Gaifullina ©

> More photos of this event on Picasa

• From October 12th to 14th : Nordact, Odense 

Conferences at Nordact, Odense (Denmark)
Photo Cloé Bernier ©

Scandinavian experience in Odense (Denmark) for Nordact (@nordact2012), the annual meeting of all Rotaract Clubs from DenmarkSweden and Norway. This year, the theme of the conference was “small differences between Nordic countries. The speakers talked about topics like “clichés about Nordic countries” and “cultural differences in business”, followed by a debate : “cooperation in the Nordic region and cultural differences that make it difficult”. Interesting speakers for an interactive program !

After brain gymnastics, bring on the “Nordic Challenge” : a tournament of fun activities opposing Danish, Swedish and Norwegian teams (including some Belgians, Swiss and German people in each of them). Result : lots of mud on the clothes and at least as much fun !

Swedes, Danes & Co. ready for the Nordic Challenge – Photos Cloé Bernier ©

On Saturday night, we entered the world of Valhalla. Everybody dressed up especially for the occasion, Viking style. The weekend ended on Sunday morning with a sightseeing session of the city of Odense for the half of us, and the visit of a local business for the others. After a quick lunch, it’s already time to say goodbye…

Belgian Rotaractors dressed “Valhalla Style” – Photo Cloé Bernier ©

Every year, Nordact welcomes Nordic as well as foreign Rotaractors. What do each of them think of the other ? Carla, Swiss Rotaractor, says : “Nordact is attractive because of the popularity of Nordic countries, of their prosperity, the nice and cool people, etc. Also, even though it is pretty small, everybody, even without ever having attended a Nordact, knows of Nordact. They do have an excellent reputation. Having attended my first Nordact this year I can only confirm that.” On the other side, Johan, president of Rotaract in Sweden, is “very happy to see so many foreign Rotaractors at Nordact. It gives a wider perspective in discussions and also a chance to make new friends, not only within the Nordic countries.” See you next year in Oslo, then !

> More photos of this event on Picasa

Yours in Rotaract,

Cloé Bernier, E.R.I.C. Country Representative for Switzerland


Question 1 (30.10.2012) • For the people among you who participated in the ShelterBox Challenge, what was your favorite challenge and why ? And how do you think it raised awareness for the cause ?

Question 2 (12.11.2012) • During REM in Kyiv, a football tournament was organized to raise awareness and funds to finance special wheelchairs for children with disabilities, so they can play football. What do you think of the idea of a social project during a REM, in general ? What project would you suggest to the organizers of the next REMs ?

Question 3 (25.11.2012) • Even though Nordact is the Rotaract Conference for Nordic countries, more and more people from abroad attend the event. If you are a foreign Rotaractor, what is your motivation to attend such a conference ? If you are a Nordic Rotaractor, what do you think about the fact that foreign Rotaractors come to Nordact ?

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